Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I went in to Chatswood today since it was nice out and I needed something to do. It wasn’t nearly as entertaining as I’d hoped though. Sarah went with her housemates a couple weeks ago and spoke very highly of the “cute little town.” I was surprised when I got off the train (it’s only three stops away) to feel like I was stepping into a dingy Chinatown, kind of like a part of New York City you wouldn’t care to spend a lot of time in. Almost all of the food places had Chinese characters for names and it was really crowded for a Tuesday afternoon.

The only thing it appears there is to do in Chatswood is shop. I found two huge malls that I got lost in, but the most exciting part of that was finding a bookstore that was going out of business so I could look through their books for a few minutes. It didn’t really help that I didn’t feel like spending money. I probably shouldn’t have decided it was a good day to go shopping.

The one success of the afternoon was finding a decent-looking Moscato in a bottle shop that I passed. The guy behind the counter was really nice and offered to help me like four times, probably because I kept opening up the coolers to pull bottles out and read the backs. The Moscato I ended up picking was on special 2 for $10, so hopefully it ends up being good.

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