Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lake Taupo

My roommates came home on Tuesday night and I was passed out. I remember having a briefish conversation with them, but I don’t really know what was said. I wouldn’t be able to tell you any of their names, for sure. They seemed nice though.

On Wednesday morning, I met up with my tour group for breakfast. It felt kind of awkward because I just wandered in, grabbed some food, and sat down at a table with two girls and this guy. Everyone kind of seemed to know each other already because of the dinner the night before. I later found out though that some of the group has been together for ten days already though. Apparently,, the tour that goes all around New Zealand is also this tour, they just meet up along the way. The only other new guy person who joined up in Wellington was the guy I sat with at breakfast, named Sebastion. It’s funny that I sat down next to him by complete chance. Everyone seems to think we came together though now.

After breakfast, we all got on the bus and headed to Lake Taupo, which was about a five hours drive from Wellington. Along the way, we stopped at a small café called Flat Hills and I picked up a mother. My jet lag was really not helped by my roommates coming home and waking me up, not that I blame them. I did go to bed at 8pm. Behind the café, there was a few corrals with sheep. I also found a baby duckling that looked injured, which was kind of sad. It’s really hilly here and I realized that parts of the  hills look like trees were clear cut from them because they just kind of stop growing in a straight line. I’m not sure why it’s like that, but I feel like it doesn’t have to do with clear cutting, so there must be a reason.

Sheepy in Flat Hills
On the drive to Taupo
Beautiful mountains :)
When we finally got to Taupo, I went straight to the Lake Taupo bungy jump with a few others from the group. The adrenaline was pumping through me long before I took the jump over the river, but I was surprisingly not that nervous. Everyone thought I was nervous though because I wasn’t really talking much. To be fair though, I didn’t feel like I knew any of them. I didn’t touch the water when I jumped because I didn’t want to get wet. It was pretty thrilling though. Jumping straight down wasn’t bad, but the bouncing around after was kind of annoying because I felt like I was going backwards. It also didn’t help that I couldn’t see because my glasses weren’t on. I’m surprised by how easily it was to force myself off the jumping point into the open air. I bought a video of my jump too. Everyone thought I was pretty frozen while I jumped, but I don’t really know what else I was supposed to do. What, am I supposed to wiggle around or something? I would love to go bungy jumping again though, it was really fun.

The jump site
After everyone had jumped, we got a ride from the company back into town and went shopping for our cross dressing costumes for the boat party that night. I lucked out and didn’t need to buy anything because I was able to borrow a tie and beanie and put my hair up in it. Someone donated a mustache to me too, even though I was just going to draw one on. We had dinner on the boat, but it wasn’t very good. It felt like it was just thrown together, which was kind of disappointing since the cruise cost $69.

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