Friday, September 21, 2012

Sheep and Glow Worms

This morning we were able to sleep in until 8am, which seems like a big deal because I haven’t been getting much sleep. First thing in the morning, we headed to the agrodome and learned about the local sheeps. It seemed very New Zealand, but at the same time, it reminded me of travelling around Ireland. We also watched a sheep shearing demonstration and the feeding of lambs. It would have been really boring except for the hilarity of the MC. Otherwise, I would say my Ireland experience with sheep and sheepdogs was much better.

We spent the rest of the morning driving to Waitomo. We stopped for lunch in a little town and I found a place to get a ham sandwich. Unfortunately, the Asian woman behind the counter didn’t understand me at all and I ended up with a cheese toastie and chocolate milkshake instead. It was alright though. Sebastion ordered way too many fries too and I ate some.

In Waitomo, we moved into our rooms and then Jacob and I went to the caves to see the glow worms. Everyone else went black water rafting, so it was just us in the caves. It was pretty cool though. We had a guided tour that wandered through and looked at the old stalactites and stalagmites that dripped water on us. The coolest part though was taking the boat through the river cave at the end. It was pitch black and the glow worms on the ceiling of the cave looked like the night sky. It was also a little creepy though. It made me think of the 7th Harry Potter book when they locate the horcrux in the bottom of the well in the cave. Our boat even had a rope attached to it.

Glow Worm Caves

After the caves, we walked back to the hotel and hung out together since everyone else was rafting and the town literally had two little shops and both of them seemed to be closed. We lucked out though that there a playground where we could sit on the swings.

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