Sunday, July 22, 2012

Last Day with Our Family

This morning we woke up and had breakfast which included a weird green dish that I have still have no clue what it was. A lot of Ajay and Sangita’s family came over today and visited, so we talked with some of their cousins out on the back patio while they cracked open coconuts for lunch. Rigi and the younger cousin went swimming even though it was pretty chilly out and started to rain.

We came inside instead and had chicken for lunch with custard pie, a traditional desert dish in Fiji known for its simplicity. I didn’t really enjoy it as much as I should have. I just don’t think custard is my thing.

After lunch, we took a taxi into town and looked around at a few of the shops. Not much was open, but I finally was able to see how expensive their books really are. Most of them cost upwards of $40 or $50, which is expensive even if you halve it into what would be about American currency. Magazines were $18 too!

Since it was Sunday and most things were closed, we went to see The Dark Knight Rises at the town theater (tickets were $6). It was alright. It at least moved fast enough to keep my attention but it was a little long. Their popcorn is pretty good here and much cheaper than in the States (only $5 for a small pop and popcorn combo and $7 for the medium), even though some of the other girls said they didn’t like it. They just don’t use as much butter. The only annoying thing was during the entire movie the guy behind us kept putting his feet on our seats. At one point, he toes were literally touching my elbow because he was taking up half of my arm rest. I would have said something if we weren’t there with Raoul, our cousin, and Nina.

We picked up a chicken pizza for dinner and brought it back in the taxi with us. I don’t think they use much sauce on their pizza here, if at all, but it was still good. After dinner, we exchanged gifts with our host family. They bought us bracelets and the older daughter, Shigi, drew us a picture with a little note and necklaces. It was really cute. Sangita also gave us necklaces for our mothers. They liked our gifts too. Deirdre gave them coasters from her school and two Philly baseball caps. I gave them a coffee mug from my school. Then we all sat in the living room and watched a Hindi epic story together that they’ve been watching together. 

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